Woodford County Board Meeting October minutes

Thursday, November 30, 2006 - Posted 2:50:08 PM

PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF WOODFORD COUNTY, IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, at an adjourned meeting thereof begun and held in the Woodford County Board Room in the City of Eureka, in said County, on the third Tuesday in October, AD 2006, same being the 17th day of said month.

Tuesday                                  October 17, AD 2006              6:30 PM

                      Board met and was called to order by Chairman Whitaker.

             Chairman Whitaker began the meeting by leading all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

             Roll call by the Clerk.  Present:  Marcus Adams, James Booth, Thomas Evans, David Griepentrog, Thomas Janssen, Thomas Karr, John Krug, Peter Lambie, R. Joel Lemkemann, Caroline Schertz, Kenneth Uphoff, and Larry Whitaker.  Absent: Gary A. Joseph.  Chairman Whitaker announced that County Board Member Joseph was excused.  Mr. Fred Luedtke’s resignation from the County Board was effective August 21, 2006 and Mr. Douglas Simpson’s resignation effective September 9, 2006.  Also present was County Clerk Debbie Harms.

            Board announced in session by the Chairman.

             Clerk Harms presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.

             Mr. Lemkemann moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Uphoff and was unanimously carried.

             Clerk Harms submitted the minutes of the September 19, 2006 County Board meeting for additions, corrections, and approval.

             Mr. Evans moved to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2006 regular session County Board meeting as mailed, which motion was seconded by Mr. Booth and was unanimously carried.

             Clerk Harms submitted the minutes of the September 26, 2006 special County Board meeting for additions, corrections, and approval.

            Mr. Lemkemann moved to approve the minutes of the September 26, 2006 special session County Board meeting as mailed, which motion was seconded by Mr. Griepentrog.

              Chairman Whitaker was questioned if he made the comment as it appears in the first paragraph on page 4 that another name would be presented for the District 1 vacancy at the next meeting.  He stated he couldn’t recall exactly what he said, but if that was what the minutes show, that was what he said.

            Chairman Whitaker called for the vote on the above motion and it unanimously carried.

             Chairman Whitaker presented plaques to County Board Members David Griepentrog and James Booth in recognition of their service to the Woodford County Board.  He noted these recognitions were being made now rather than next month as Mr. Booth was having knee surgery and may not be able to attend the next Board meeting.

            As there was a large crowd in attendance at the Board meeting, Chairman Whitaker apologized for the accommodations and stated some of the election equipment was being stored in the boardroom, as there was shortage of space.  At this point, Chairman Whitaker also served notice to the Board Members that a special Board meeting would be held on Thursday evening, October 19, 2006, at 8:30 P.M.  Items #5, #6, #7, and #8 on the Appointments portion of the Consent Agenda for this evening would be pulled and considered at the special meeting on October 19 and any public input on those items could be presented at that time.  He also gave notification of this special meeting to Clerk Harms and stated the details of the meeting would be reviewed later.

             Chairman Whitaker asked for public input and stated any presentations in regard to the Special Uses to be considered later at this meeting would not be permitted as these were to be made at the Zoning Board of Appeals public hearings.

             Ms. Sherrilll Morris of Metamora stated she represented a group from Wildridge Farms Subdivision and adjacent properties.  A petition had been filed with the Zoning Office against Doug Huser for improper land use in an agricultural area and residential neighborhood.  Mr. Huser had constructed a snowmobile/four wheeler racetrack and motorcycle jumps on agriculture zoned property.  He was using it as a commercial venture and charging an entry fee.  She then presented the objections and stated how the situation could affect the value of their properties.  In conclusion Ms. Morris questioned the following:

·         If there was a County ordinance against racetracks in an agricultural area?

·         If there was a County ordinance against a commercial venture without a special use permit?

·         If the Health Department needs to conduct inspections if food is sold at upcoming events?

·         When and how were property owners notified that a racetrack was being built?

·         Whom the County Board was representing and whom do they support?

·         If any of the Board Members had a racetrack adjacent to their property or if they would like to have one established?

Her presentation was submitted to be placed on file.

             Mr. Doug Huser of Metamora stated he and his next door neighbor were in a “Hatfield-McCoy” fight and the man who was leading this complaint wanted to buy the property he has.  He explained how he had farmed the land and his neighbor complained of the dust and dirt, that he worked too late and that the combine threw cobs in his lane.  He then let the property sit for a year and had a few private parties on it. The track was built for his enjoyment and there were twelve hours total driving on it this summer.  The neighbors on both sides of him have four wheelers.  The Snowmobile Association would be having a run for two days at this property that was formerly held in Roanoke.  He spent $1,500 for a sprinkler system and there were barriers between his and the neighbor’s property.

            Mr. Cullen Casey of Metamora stated he feels responsible for his daughter’s interest and is opposed to a commercial racetrack that would charge for the riding of four-wheelers or snowmobiles.   He was concerned about the increased traffic and the increased noise.

             Mr. Russell Cotton of Metamora stated he appeared before this Board previously in regard to the water runoff problem with Macey’s Place Subdivision.  His power box is coming within 8” of being covered and water went over the road with the last rain.  Never before has he had this much water yet nothing has happened to correct the situation and the lot has not yet been graded or seeded.  He has been informed that Ameren will put his box up on a pole for $5,000.00.  He stated the County had allowed Macey’s Subdivision and they were dumping more water on him, yet nothing had changed since the last time he appeared before this Board.  In regard to the racetrack issue, he watched a snowmobile event last year and was not charged.

                   Mr. Gary Lambert of Carlock stated he attended the zoning hearing regarding the White Oak Wind Tower Farm.  There was a couple there whose land had been zoned agriculture and then rezoned to some sort of industrial without their knowledge.  Initially their property had been selected as a site for a wind tower but since the property had been rezoned to something other than agriculture, it no longer qualified.  In the future, he urged that  “positive” notification of hearings be made to property owners affected by rezoning efforts.  This couple’s property was changed without their knowledge and he would like to see this never happen to anyone else.

             Mr. Richard “Dick” Geier of Metamora stated he has tried to get along with his neighbor, Doug Huser, but feels he cannot be reasoned with.  Last year at the snowmobile event, there was parking in his lane.  He was told he could put some brush on Mr. Huser’s property and then was told he couldn’t.  He feels this was done in retaliation. 

             Mr. Joe Burkett with the Woodford County Snowmobile Club stated the Club promotes safety and awareness of snowmobiling.  The track on Doug Huser’s property was not close to being a racetrack and the Club had two runs.  The runs are very organized, very safe, and the parking is marked and monitored on the landowner’s lot.    There had been no complaints from other landowners in the area.

             Mr. Paul Merrill of Metamora stated this was an organized and noisy event yet  his concern was that no one was made of aware that it was going to happen.  He felt it was an issue that the neighbors did not have prior notice of such events.

             Ms. Betty Geier of Metamora stated they have cattle and this is stressful to them as well as noisy.  All summer she has put up with noise, dust and weeds and that she is allergic to dust and weeds.  This racetrack is a concern to her as the bikes make dust.

             Chairman Whitaker announced the public input session closed and stated the Board does not respond to issues at this time, but takes them under advisement.  It was noted there was an upcoming event on October 29 regarding this racetrack.

             Chairman Whitaker stated that it was the intent to possibly have two Board Members participate tonight through teleconference phone calls.  The State’s Attorney opinion was that since the Board does not have specific rules dealing with teleconference calls, it was not advisable to bring in a call from Mr. Joseph who was in Texas. Chairman Whitaker stated Mr. Joseph was very disappointed not to be able to participate in tonight’s Board meeting.  The other teleconference call concerned Mr. Janssen, who was able to attend this meeting.

            The following Consent Agenda was presented:


1.      Reappointment of Juliet Schertz for the Oakwood Cemetery Association for a six-year term expiring September 6, 2012.

2.      Reappointment of Kenneth Willman for the Oakwood Cemetery Association for a six-year term expiring September 6, 2012.

3.      Reappointment of Glen Bohlander for the Oakwood Cemetery Association for a six-year term expiring September 6, 2012.

4.      Appointment of Carl Huser for the Oakwood Cemetery Association for a six-year term expiring September 6, 2012.

5.      Reappointment of Marcus Adams, Caroline Schertz, Thomas Janssen and Larry Whitaker to the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for three year terms expiring September 2009.

6.      Appointment of Gary Joseph to replace James Booth on the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for a three year term expiring September 2009.

7.      Appointment of Jack Wilz to fill the unexpired term of Fred Luedtke, Woodford County Board District One, term to run October 20, 2006 through November 30, 2008.

8.      Appointment of Stanley Glazier to replace Douglas Simpson, Woodford County Board District Three, term to run October 20, 2006 through November 30, 2006.


Petitions, Resolution, and/or Motions:

1.      Intergovernmental Agreement with Woodford County Sheriff’s Office and Village of Germantown Hills.

2.      Waiver of GIS fees for Village of Germantown Hills, Village of Spring Bay and Village of Washburn, USDA-NRCS-Eureka Field Office, City of Metamora, and Woodford County U of I Extension Office-Eureka.

3.      Resolution #149-Grant Funds in the amount of $6,364.00 from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (Mobile Data Computer Equipment Grant) to purchase computer equipment for the Woodford County Sheriff’s Office.

4.      Resolution #150-Revenue Stamp purchase for $20,000 for County Clerk/Recorder’s Office.

5.      Resolution #151-Authorizing the Chairman of the Woodford County Board to execute an amendment to the agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for Federal Participation for Woodford County, Section 04-00058-08-FP.

6.      Resolution #153-Eastern Bypass.

7.      Resolution #154 Matt Smith-Insurance.

8.      Resolution #155-Authorizing the Chairman of the Woodford County Board to sign letters of engagement entering into auditing and consulting agreements with Clifton Gunderson, LLP for the 2006 fiscal year.

9.      Resolution 02-0050–Reconveyance of parcel number 07-02-406-003 by Woodford County Trustee.

10.  Resolution 02-0051-Reconveyance of parcel number 07-02-406-004 by Woodford County Trustee.

11.  Resolution 02-0052-Reconveyance of parcel number 07-02-406-005 by Woodford County Trustee.

            Chairman Whitaker stated Mr. Joseph and six other Board Members requested a special meeting to be held Thursday evening at 8:30 P.M.  He then pulled Items #5, #6, #7, and #8 from the Appointments portion of the Consent Agenda (the Chairman’s prerogative) and stated these would be dealt with Thursday night as well as additional items coming out of the meeting tonight, such as the racetrack issue.  He requested that County Administrator Jackson report on this issue at that time.

             Chairman Whitaker requested the $500.00 monthly stipend he received as Chairman be used to subsidize any expense dealing with the special meeting to be held on October 19, 2006 if State’s Attorney Stroh was in agreement and he was to research this next week.  Following a brief discussion of how that meeting would cost more than the stipend and that mileage is also a cost of the meeting, Chairman Whitaker restated the stipend would subsidize the cost of the per diem for that meeting.

            Mr. Karr pulled Item #6 from the Petitions, Resolutions, and/or Motions portion of the Consent Agenda for further discussion.  Mr. Uphoff stated Item #7 concerning Resolution #154 under the Petitions, Resolutions, and/or Motions portion on the Consent Agenda was not in the Board packets that were mailed out. 


            Chairman Whitaker read Resolution #154 in its entirety, resolving the County Board agrees to match employee funds paid into the Health Savings Account at the new 2006 rate as prescribed by Federal Law and approved by the Employee Health Insurance Committee.  This was acceptable t Mr. Uphoff.

            Mr. Evans stated he would like to vote on Item # 8 as shown on the Appointments section of the Consent Agenda concerning the appointment of Stanley Glazier to replace Douglas Simpson to the Woodford County Board District Three, with the term to run October 20th 2006 through November 30, 2006.  Mr. Evans then moved to vote for Item # 8 and put it back on the agenda, which motion was seconded by Mr. Karr.

             Chairman Whitaker responded that item had been pulled off the agenda at this time and would be reintroduced at the special Board meeting Thursday evening.  He also pointed out this concerned a Chairman’s appointment that must to be made within 60 days of the vacancy with the advice and consent of the County Board and he had pulled it.

             Mr. Krug questioned how close to a meeting something could be pulled from the agenda, as it had to be posted 48 hours in advance.  He then requested to see in writing the procedure for the Chairman’s prerogative concerning pulling items from the agenda.

             Chairman Whitaker felt this was a statutory issue of which he did not have a

copy in his possession but that a copy could be obtained.  He said the meeting could be stopped and the issue researched, to which Mr. Krug agreed.

             Mr. Uphoff pointed out the motion was not in order, to which Mr. Evans responded that a motion had been made and seconded.  Mr. Janssen stated the Chairman made the appointment and now wants to nullify it.  He felt the question was whether the Chairman had authority to withdraw an appointment after he made it.

             Chairman Whitaker called for a recess to consult with the State’s Attorney on this issue.  The time was approximately 7:25 P.M.

            Chairman Whitaker called the meeting to order at approximately 7:57 P.M.  He and Mr. Janssen conferred with the State’s Attorney on the question Mr. Janssen raised.

             Mr. Janssen then withdrew his objection at this point.

             Chairman Whitaker stated the agenda for the special meeting would be revised regarding the appointments.  The appointments for the Board’s two vacancies as well as those for Tri-County Regional Planning Commission would still be considered.  He then requested the motion and second on the floor be withdrawn, to which Mr. Evans stated he could not do.

             Mr. Janssen stated the State’s Attorney is willing to indicate the Chairman has the right to withdraw the appointment and if that is the case, it is a legal matter and would have to be decided in a court of law if he does or not.   Mr. Janssen also stated he does not feel this route should be taken.  The Chairman has indicated he is willing to withdraw that appointment and he felt the Board should not disagree at this point.

            Mr. Evans still wished to proceed with the motion to approve the appointment of #8 of the Consent Agenda

             Chairman Whitaker stated voting to proceed with this appointment would fly in the face of the conversation taken during the break.  Mr. Janssen stated to proceed would put the Board at risk of having action to be void by law.  The Board could not vote on an appointment that had not been made without that being determined by a judge.  It would be best to withdraw the motion and go forward on Thursday night.

            Mr. Evans stated this issue keeps getting pushed until the Chairman has enough votes to get what he wants and felt the only reason the Chairman was delaying action was because the votes were not there.  He would pull his motion from the floor with Mr. Janssen’s recommendation.  Mr. Karr agreed to pull the second to the motion.

            Chairman Whitaker stated some revisions would be made to the agenda regarding the special Board meeting to be held Oct. 19, 2006.

            Mr. Adams questioned if the Chairman could make an appointment on a spot that was not open.  Chairman Whitaker advised any legal concerns should be addressed to the State’s Attorney.

             Chairman Whitaker called for action regarding the Consent Agenda and stated Items #5, #6, #7, and #8 under the Appointments portion and Item #6 under the Petitions, Resolutions, and/or Motions portion were pulled.

             Mr. Lemkemann moved to accept the remainder of the Consent Agenda, which motion was seconded by Mr. Booth and was unanimously carried.

             In response to Mr. Karr’s request for clarification of Resolution #153 regarding the Eastern ByPass, Chairman Whitaker stated at the last Tri-County Regional Planning Commission meeting there was dialogue on the role Woodford County could play in the promotion of the Eastern Bypass and the encouragement of studies.  This resolution supports the Eastern Bypass and that Woodford County will work in a cooperative manner with other agencies to see this project to a successful conclusion.

             Mr. Adams moved to approve Resolution #153 (Supporting the Eastern Bypass), which motion was seconded by Mr. Lambie.  Chairman Whitaker called for a roll call vote.  County Board Members voting Aye: Larry Whitaker, Kenneth Uphoff, Caroline Schertz, R. Joel Lemkemann, Peter Lambie, John Krug, Thomas Karr, Thomas Janssen, David Griepentrog, Thomas Evans, James Booth, and Marcus Adams.  County Board Members voting Nay: None.  County Board Members absent: Gary A. Joseph.  Motion carried.

             Chairman Whitaker called for unfinished business and there was none.

             Chairman Whitaker announced Economic Development Liaison Kyle Ham had left the meeting but would be providing information pertaining to his report to the Board Members either electronically or through the mail.

             Mr. Griepentrog presented and read Resolution #145 relative to the payment of the submitted claims.

            Mr. Griepentrog moved for the adoption of the resolution, which motion was seconded by Mr. Lemkemann.  Chairman Whitaker called for a roll call vote.  County Board Members voting Aye: Marcus Adams, James Booth, Thomas Evans, David Griepentrog, Thomas Janssen, Thomas Karr, John Krug, Peter Lambie, R. Joel Lemkemann, Caroline Schertz, Kenneth Uphoff, and Larry Whitaker.  County Board Members voting Nay: None.  County Board Members absent: Gary A. Joseph.  Motion carried.

             Clerk Harms presented the Claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board.

             Mr. Uphoff moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board, which motion was seconded by Mr. Booth.  There were no additional claims presented to be Paid in Vacation.  Mrs. Schertz questioned the claim to the IL Association of County Board Members for the IACBM seminar as it was her understanding the Board did not have representation on this Association and; therefore, should not be paying for seminars.  It was pointed out County Administrator Jackson attended this, and Mrs. Schertz withdrew the objection.  The vote on the motion was taken and it unanimously carried.

             Treasurer Miller presented the report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursements of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfer for the period ending September 30, 2006.  The handout regarding the Revolving Loan Account as of October 1, 2006 would also be placed on file.

             Mr. Uphoff reported the Health Insurance Committee is having a problem getting a quorum at the meetings; however, there have been discussions at the meetings.

             There was a brief discussion on how quorums may be established according to Robert’s Rules.  It was pointed out the Health Insurance Committee was the result of a contractual agreement between the County and the unions, and it specifies there must be six people to constitute a quorum.

             Chairman Whitaker called for Road and Bridge resolutions and there were none.

             Mr. Evans moved to approve Resolution #146 (Approving a Road Agreement with Benson Wind Farm, LLC (Navitas) as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of Woodford County Illinois.

             State’s Attorney Stroh stated there were several provisions in the contract which allow for the County Engineer to make decisions independent of the County Board.  Some of these had to do with letter of credit and others deal with the finding he makes as an engineer.  Some decisions need to be made by someone with expertise and may be time sensitive.   If the language in the Agreement is acceptable, nothing needs to be done; however, if something needs to be changed so the County Board has the ultimate authority, motions will have to be made.  State’s Attorney Stroh reviewed Paragraphs 3.3, 3.6, 3.6 (ii), 3.7 (vi), 3.11 (viii), 3.14 (iv) and 4.11, as well as Paragraphs 3.6 and 5.7 concerning letter of credit.  He had reviewed the Agreement and was confident in submitting it for the Board’s consideration. 

             Chairman Whitaker called for a roll call vote.  County Board Members voting Aye: Larry Whitaker, Kenneth Uphoff, Caroline Schertz, R. Joel Lemkemann, Peter Lambie, John Krug, Thomas Karr, Thomas Janssen, David Griepentrog, Thomas Evans, James Booth and Marcus Adams.  County Board Members voting Nay: None.  County Board Members absent: Gary A. Joseph.  Motion carried.

             Mrs. Schertz moved to approve Resolution #152 (granting a Special Use), which motion was seconded by Mr. Lemkemann.  This Resolution concerned Petition 2006-22-S by Benson Wind Farms, LLC for a Special Use for properties described on such resolution.

             Chairman Whitaker reported the Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously recommends the Special Use with conditions.  Procedural  questions could only be asked at this time of County Administrator Jackson or Zoning Administrator Hamann.

             Mr. Adams thanked Mrs. Schertz for her work on the wind farms.

            Chairman Whitaker called for a roll call vote.  County Board Members voting Aye: Marcus Adams, James Booth, Thomas Evans, David Griepentrog, Thomas Janssen, Thomas Karr, John Krug, Peter Lambie, R. Joel Lemkemann, Caroline Schertz, Kenneth Uphoff, and Larry Whitaker.  County Board Members voting Nay: None.  County Board Members absent: Gary A. Joseph.  Motion carried.

             Chairman Whitaker questioned if any other options were available to the County regarding township road issues with the wind farms, such as annexation agreements.

             County Administrator Jackson stated he could begin researching at the Board’s directive on eminent domain or taking control of those township roads through annexation if the townships do not move forward with the Navitas agreement.  Chairman Whitaker then requested these issues be brought forward for informational purposes at the special Board meeting to be held Thursday evening.

            Chairman Whitaker stated the Board would take a short recess. The time was approximately 8:40 P.M.


            Chairman Whitaker called the meeting back to order at approximately 8:50 P.M.

             Mrs. Schertz moved to approve Resolution #147 (granting a Special Use with stipulations).  This Resolution concerned Petition 2006-23-S by Cingular Wireless for a Special Use to erect a tower and an accessory building for the use of telecommunications on a tract of land owned by Homer Guy and Julie Bozarth.  Mr. Uphoff seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.

             Mrs. Schertz moved to approve Resolution #148 (granting a Special Use with stipulations).  This Resolution concerned Petition 2006-24-S by Cingular Wireless for a Special Use to erect a tower and an accessory building for the use of telecommunications on a tract of land owned by Clark and Dianne Tarmann.  Mr. Lemkemann seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.

             Clerk Harms presented the list of correspondence to be placed on file for the October 17, 2006 County Board meeting:

·         Regional Office of Education Operating Expenses for September 2006.

·         The 2006/2007 meeting schedule for the Heart of Illinois Regional Port District Board (TransPORT) of Directors as well as the meeting notice and agenda for October 19, 2006 at 2:30 P.M.  

·         Woodford County Trustees report as of 9/30/06.

·         Correspondence from Chairman Christ of the Woodford County Republican Central Committee notifying Chairman Whitaker of the selection of Stanley Glazier by the District 3 Precinct Committeemen of the Republican Central Committee to fill the vacancy in said County Board District.

·         Public Notice dated September 30, 2006 from the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding the Regulatory Guidance Letter for guidance on mitigation monitoring requirements for compensatory mitigation projects.

·         Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee meetings held September 12 and September 26, 2006.

·         Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held September 6, 2006.

·         Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held September 7, 2006.

·         Minutes of the County Offices Committee meeting held September 13, 2006.

·         Minutes of the Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Committee meeting held September 11, 2006.

·         Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held September 14, 2006.

Chairman Whitaker called for department reports and there were none.

             County Administrator Jackson asked for any questions concerning the County Administrator’s Report-October 2006 that was mailed in the Board packets, including the budget which is being placed on file this evening.  Copies were available to anyone who had not received their copy. 

             Mrs. Schertz stated she was embarrassed and ashamed by the behavior of some of the township supervisors in Woodford County, and tonight, she was embarrassed and ashamed of some members of the County Board.

             Mr. Griepentrog stated the copies of the budget had been distributed for next month’s consideration and it was being placed on file.  After it was approved, it would be distributed to libraries.

             County Administrator Jackson stated claims for the Board Members per diem and mileage need to be submitted by October 27 to be paid out of this year’s budget.

             Mr. Evans pointed out to Mrs. Schertz the township supervisors had nothing to do with the township road issues concerning the wind farms, it was the township road commissioners.

             Mr. Adams reported the County Offices Committee was looking at the possibility of building a site to be used for the storage of election equipment and other machines.

            Chairman Whitaker stated the locks on the doors of the County Board Room had already been changed to accommodate the security issues of the election equipment being stored in this room.

             County Administrator Jackson stated the special Board meeting to be held Thursday evening may be held in the Courthouse rotunda as there could be furniture from the Probation Office in this Board Room while that Office was getting carpet installed.

             Mr. Krug moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreements for the Provision of Dispatch Services between the County of Woodford, Illinois, and the Woodford County Emergency Telephone System Board, which motion was seconded by Mr. Booth.

             County Administrator Jackson stated that there is a 60-day written notice in the contracts permitting either party to terminate the Agreements for cause.  At the discretion of the Executive Committee, he has been charged with the responsibility of researching the possibility of having an outside entity run the operations of the 911 center and the 60-day written notice could apply if the County moves forward with an outside entity.

             Mr. Krug stated one of the Intergovernmental Agreements is the standard agreement for the Sheriff and other Intergovernmental Agreement is the supplemental agreement for the other agencies throughout the County utilizing 911 services

             Chairman Whitaker called for the vote on the motion and it unanimously carried.

             Chairman Whitaker called for a motion to go into Executive Session and there was none.

             Mr. Uphoff moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Lemkemann and was unanimously carried.

             Mr. Booth moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in November A.D. 2006 same being the 21st day of said month, which was seconded by Mr. Adams and was unanimously carried.

             Chairman Whitaker announced the Board adjourned.


Attest:  Debbie Harms, Clerk