Comments log for user ID johnhawk
News Subject: City Clean Up days announced for April 26-27 - 03/17/2008 -

Tomlinsons put my garabe cans in the street too.  I reported it to city hall and I was told that I could call them and complain.  The garbage cans were vertical upside in the street.  They didn't fall over or blow over.
They also threw away our recycling bin.
They throw away the recycling materials too.
It's in the city contract that only the city calls. 

News Subject: City wide cleanup days changed to April 29-30 - 04/14/2008 -

I hope we're not paying more and still getting bad service.  How much would it cost to get good service? I'd rather pay that.

News Subject: Winter weather causes power outage in Minonk. - 01/21/2010 -

The power poles are poorly maintained.  I had one by my garage that was checked and found rotten.  It was nearly a year later before someone came around and pounded in a metal support brace.  I was concerned it would fall and the former city administrator told me he checked and it was fine.  The only thing holding it up was the phone cable.  The base was rotten down to the size of the thick end
of a baseball bat.