Comments log for user ID jmasters
Editorial Subject: Major Changes to MinonkTalk - 06/02/2008 -

I just wanted to thank you for all the work you put into this website. I think it was beneficial for my family when we moved to the country, after living in Minonk for 11 years, in order to keep up on things happening in Minonk. Once I moved back to Minonk it was a good source for myself to keep up on things happening around town. I am a young homeowner, so it was nice to be able to find information about relavent events right on the computer. I know that I have decided to start attending the city council meetings and I hope that others will do the same.
Thanks again for all of your hard work.
Jackie Masters
News Subject: City announces new garbage contract - 06/17/2008 -

I just want to thank the city for taking care of this issue and I also want to comment on what a good job these Titan guys are doing. I have been really impressed with how they move the cans up into the yard so they don't blow into the road.