Comments log for user ID Valdez
News Subject: City Clean Up days announced for April 26-27 - 03/17/2008 -

Our dog dodo problem.
After several years of
medians being fairly free of
dog poop, some of you are now
allowing your dogs to do their
thing without the courtesy
of removing it. This is inconsiderate
to our community, anybody may
step in it. It certainly draws flies
which then may land on your
picnic. Yes you and your pets may exercise, but do it responsibility.  Please! Carry a pooperscooper,or a plastic bag and
be a good neighbor.

News Subject: City Clean Up days announced for April 26-27 - 03/17/2008 -

Woodford County is showing 559 current dog licenses for the city of Minonk. Each year the files are purged of deceased dogs. Even if %10 percent disregard dodo drops, its 55 logs a day. Plastic or Paper.

News Subject: City Clean Up days announced for April 26-27 - 03/17/2008 -

In this report there is one key word 'Budget'. It is the new budget that was just finished. Our tax dollars at work for the citizens of Minonk. Did any one notice the equalized value went up to 110% of last years assessment statement. Even "if" the mil rate stays the same or even goes down a little. That 10% is going to show up on bottom line come billing time. As citizens we can look at the School budget, City budget, and question it. Because it will not be on the local channel to view. The committees, alder persons, and employees have input and so do the tax payers to decide what we want and when.

News Subject: Minonk Man Restores 1932 Ford into a Hot Rod - 07/10/2010 -

 Were those louvers made with Jeff Carlson's old louver press? Frei Built Flatheads Forever, is that Mike Frei's son Gregg? Awesome '32

Council Subject: CIty Approves Final Plan for Storm Sewer Project - 02/21/2011 -

 Peace be with you, I believe we as a community are suppose to provide services. When a drainage project can still be modified to provide for the low spots in topography, why can't it be changed?  Let's get it right this time: bury the hatchet, suck it up, give it the college try, remove the water. Negotiate for a successful drainage project where all of the affected residents win. Valdez